Choc Dates 160g

Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $3.50.

JAD Chocolate-Covered Date Balls 160g | كرات التمر بالشوكولاتة من جاد

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SKU: JAD-Choc Dates-005 Category:

كرات التمر بالشوكولاتة من جاد – عندما تلتقي التغذية بالفخامة!

اكتشف تميز كرات التمر بالشوكولاتة من جاد، حيث تجمع بين فوائد التمر الطبيعي ومذاق الشوكولاتة الفاخر. إليك الأسباب التي تجعلها الخيار المثالي لك:

  1. تمر خلاص طبيعي 100%: يتم اختيار التمر من مزارعنا بعناية ليكون مصدرًا طبيعيًا للطاقة والمعادن الأساسية مثل البوتاسيوم والمغنيسيوم.
  2. شوكولاتة عالية الجودة: نغلف التمر بطبقة من الشوكولاتة الغنية بمضادات الأكسدة لتحسين المزاج وتعزيز الصحة العامة.
  3. توازن مثالي: مزيج فريد يجمع بين الحلاوة الطبيعية للتمر والنكهة العميقة للشوكولاتة، ليمنحك تجربة لذيذة ومغذية.
  4. وجبة خفيفة مغذية: مثالية للرياضيين، الطلاب، أو أي شخص يبحث عن طاقة فورية وبديل صحي للحلويات التقليدية.
  5. خيار بدون شعور بالذنب: وجبة تجمع بين المتعة والفائدة، لتكون جزءًا من نمط حياة صحي ومتوازن.

هل أنت جاد في العناية بصحتك؟

JAD Chocolate-Covered Date Balls – Where Nutrition Meets Luxury!

Experience the excellence of JAD Chocolate-Covered Date Balls, combining the natural benefits of premium dates with the indulgence of high-quality chocolate. Here’s why they are the perfect choice for you:

  1. 100% Natural Khalas Dates: Sourced from our farms, these dates are a natural powerhouse of energy and essential minerals like potassium and magnesium.
  2. Premium Chocolate Coating: Enveloped in rich chocolate packed with antioxidants to boost your mood and overall health.
  3. Perfect Balance: A unique blend of the natural sweetness of dates and the deep flavor of chocolate, offering a delightful and nutritious experience.
  4. Healthy Snack Option: Ideal for athletes, students, or anyone seeking an instant energy boost and a healthier alternative to traditional sweets.
  5. Guilt-Free Treat: A snack that combines indulgence and wellness, making it a part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Are you JAD about taking care of your health?

JAD Chocolate-Covered Date Balls | كرات التمر بالشوكولاتة من جاد

Additional information
Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 4 cm
Shipping & Delivery


All freshly made orders will be prepared within 24 to 72 hours. Once shipped, our partnered courier service will send an email with an estimated time of arrival; however, these times are only estimates and cannot be relied upon. Because they are observed nationally and in every State, deliveries are not done on weekends or public holidays. There will be delivery services offered throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Please give NSW 2-5 business days and interstate arrival 4–7 business days.

Coffee Smell Fresh maintains the right to put any orders on hold and select or alter any delivery service.

Policy for returns or defective goods

The Coffee Smell Fresh team and its collaborators make an effort to be as precise and effective as they can. Within 24 hours of receiving the goods, please get in touch with us if you obtain one that is faulty or damaged. In addition to your email address and phone number, please provide the order number from your initial confirmation email, a description of the damage or defect, and an image of it. When we have all the information we need, the CSF team will review the data and determine the best course of action. Only in the event of a misrepresented product or communication will we offer a partial or full refund.

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